Cavapoo Grooming Full Guide: Learn about brushing, bathing, trimming, and coat care to maintain your Cavapoo’s adorable appearance and overall health.

Cavapoos have a coat that requires regular grooming to keep them looking their best and to maintain their health. Here’s a detailed guide on grooming tips for Cavapoos:


Cavapoo Grooming Full Guide


1. Brushing


  • Daily Brushing: It’s recommended to brush your Cavapoo’s coat daily or at least 3-4 times a week to prevent matting and tangling, especially if they have a curly or wavy coat. Regular brushing helps to remove loose hair, dirt, and debris while keeping the coat looking neat and shiny.


  • Slicker Brush: A slicker brush is ideal for Cavapoos, particularly for those with curly coats. It helps to reach deep into the coat to remove tangles and mats.
  • Pin Brush: A pin brush is gentler and works well for daily maintenance, especially if your Cavapoo has a wavy or less curly coat.
  • Detangling Spray: A detangling spray can be helpful to make brushing easier and more comfortable for your Cavapoo, especially when dealing with mats.


  • Start at the Base: Begin brushing at the base of the hair, working your way up to the top layer. This technique helps prevent painful pulling and ensures that the entire coat is brushed thoroughly.
  • Gentle and Slow: Be gentle and take your time, especially when dealing with tangles. Pulling too hard can cause discomfort and damage the coat.

2. Bathing


  • Monthly Baths: Bathing your Cavapoo once a month is generally sufficient. Over-bathing can strip the coat of its natural oils, leading to dry skin. However, if your Cavapoo gets particularly dirty or has a skin condition, more frequent baths might be necessary.


  • Hypoallergenic Shampoo: Use a hypoallergenic, gentle dog shampoo to avoid irritation. Cavapoos can have sensitive skin, so choosing a shampoo that’s free from harsh chemicals and fragrances is important.
  • Conditioner: A moisturizing conditioner can help keep the coat soft, smooth, and easier to brush. It’s especially beneficial for Cavapoos with curly or longer coats that are prone to matting.

Mini Cavapoo

Bathing Tips

  • Lukewarm Water: Always use lukewarm water when bathing your Cavapoo to ensure their comfort and avoid shocking their system.
  • Thorough Rinsing: Make sure to rinse out all shampoo and conditioner thoroughly to prevent residue that can cause itching or irritation.
  • Towel Dry: Gently towel dry your Cavapoo after bathing, avoiding vigorous rubbing that can cause tangling. If necessary, you can use a blow dryer on a low heat setting, but keep it at a safe distance to prevent burns.

3. Haircuts


  • Every 6-8 Weeks: Regular haircuts every 6-8 weeks help to maintain the Cavapoo’s coat at a manageable length, especially for those with curly coats that can grow long and thick. Keeping the coat trimmed prevents matting and keeps your Cavapoo looking tidy.


  • Puppy Cut: The puppy cut is a popular style for Cavapoos, where the hair is trimmed to a uniform length all over the body, usually around 1-2 inches long. This cut is easy to maintain and gives your dog a cute, fluffy appearance.
  • Teddy Bear Cut: The teddy bear cut leaves the hair slightly longer around the face and ears, giving the dog a rounded, teddy bear-like appearance. The body hair is usually kept shorter for easy maintenance.
  • Custom Trim: Some owners prefer to keep certain areas, like the face, ears, and tail, longer while trimming the body shorter. Discussing your preferences with a professional groomer can help achieve the look you desire.

Home Grooming vs. Professional Grooming

  • Home Trimming: If you’re comfortable and have the right tools (clippers, scissors), you can do minor trims at home, especially around the face, paws, and sanitary areas.
  • Professional Grooming: For full haircuts and more intricate styles, it’s recommended to visit a professional groomer who has experience with Cavapoos. They can ensure a precise, even cut and help with tasks that might be difficult to do at home, like ear cleaning and nail trimming.

4. Ear Cleaning


  • Weekly Cleaning: Cavapoos are prone to ear infections due to their floppy ears, which can trap moisture and debris. Clean their ears once a week to prevent infections and wax buildup.

Cleaning Process

  • Ear Cleaner: Use a vet-recommended dog ear cleaner. Avoid using cotton swabs, as they can push debris further into the ear canal and cause injury.
  • Gently Wipe: Apply the ear cleaner to a cotton ball or soft cloth and gently wipe the inside of the ear flap and around the ear canal opening. Never insert anything deep into the ear.
  • Dry the Ears: After cleaning, ensure the ears are thoroughly dried to prevent moisture buildup.

Learn more on how to optimize your Cavapoo’s health with our comprehensive nutrition guide: Cavapoo Puppy Nutrition Guide

5. Eye Care


  • Daily Wipe: Cavapoos can develop tear stains, especially around the eyes. Wiping their eyes daily with a damp, soft cloth or a vet-approved eye wipe can help reduce staining and keep the area clean.

Tear Stain Management

  • Gentle Products: Use products specifically designed for tear stains, which are safe for the delicate eye area. Avoid harsh chemicals that can irritate the eyes.
  • Diet and Water: Sometimes tear staining can be influenced by diet. Ensuring your Cavapoo has high-quality food and clean water can help minimize staining.

6. Nail Trimming


  • Every 3-4 Weeks: Trim your Cavapoo’s nails every 3-4 weeks, or as needed, depending on how quickly they grow. Long nails can cause discomfort and affect your dog’s gait.


  • Dog Nail Clippers: Use a pair of dog-specific nail clippers or a grinder to trim the nails. If using a clipper, be careful not to cut too close to the quick (the blood vessel inside the nail).
  • Styptic Powder: Have styptic powder on hand to stop bleeding if you accidentally cut the quick.

Trimming Tips

  • Small Increments: Trim small amounts off the nail at a time, especially if your dog has dark nails where the quick is not visible.
  • Calm Environment: Ensure your dog is calm and comfortable before starting. Offering treats and praise can make the experience more positive.

7. Dental Care


  • Daily Brushing: Brush your Cavapoo’s teeth daily or at least 3-4 times a week to prevent tartar buildup and maintain oral health.


  • Dog Toothpaste: Use a dog-specific toothpaste, as human toothpaste can be harmful if ingested by dogs. Choose a flavor your dog enjoys to make the process easier.
  • Toothbrush: A soft-bristled toothbrush designed for dogs or a finger brush works well for cleaning your Cavapoo’s teeth.

Dental Chews and Toys

  • Chews and Toys: Providing dental chews and toys can help reduce plaque and tartar buildup. These can be a great supplement to regular brushing.

8. Coat Condition Management

Shedding Control

  • Shedding Brush: For Cavapoos with more Poodle-like coats, shedding is minimal. However, those with wavier coats may shed slightly more. Using a shedding brush periodically can help manage loose hair and keep your home cleaner.
  • Mat Prevention

    • Consistent Grooming: Regular brushing and trimming prevent mats, which can be painful and difficult to remove if left unattended. Mats tend to form around the ears, under the legs, and where the collar sits, so pay extra attention to these areas.

    9. Seasonal Grooming Considerations

    Summer Grooming

    • Shorter Cuts: Consider giving your Cavapoo a shorter haircut during the warmer months to keep them cool and comfortable.
    • Sun Protection: If your Cavapoo has a lighter coat and skin, be mindful of sunburn, especially if the hair is cut short. Dog-safe sunscreen can be applied to sensitive areas.

    Winter Grooming

    • Longer Coat: Allowing the coat to grow longer during the winter months can provide extra warmth. However, regular grooming is still necessary to prevent matting.
    • Paw Care: In colder weather, be mindful of ice, salt, and snow. Wipe your dog’s paws after walks and consider using dog booties or paw balm to protect their pads.

10. Special Considerations


  • Hypoallergenic Products: If your Cavapoo has sensitive skin or allergies, use hypoallergenic grooming products. Look for shampoos and conditioners that are free of dyes, fragrances, and harsh chemicals.
  • Vet Consultation: If you notice persistent skin issues, consult your vet. They may recommend specific products or treatments tailored to your dog’s needs.

Professional Advice

  • Regular Vet Checkups: Regular vet checkups can help identify any skin, ear, or dental issues early on. Your vet can also provide advice on the best grooming practices for your Cavapoo’s specific coat type and health needs.
  • Grooming Consultations: If you’re unsure about any aspect of grooming, consider consulting a professional groomer who has experience with Cavapoos.