10 Essential Care Tips for a Happy and Healthy Cavapoo

A Cavapoo, a cross between a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Poodle, is a popular hybrid dog breed known for its affectionate nature, intelligence, and hypoallergenic coat. Here’s a detailed care guide to ensure your Cavapoo stays healthy and happy:


10 Essential Care Tips for a Happy and Healthy Cavapoo


1. Diet and Nutrition

  • Quality Food: Provide high-quality, well-balanced dog food appropriate for small breeds. The food should be rich in protein, with the first ingredient being meat.
  • Portion Control: Feed your Cavapoo puppy 2-3 small meals a day. Monitor their weight to avoid obesity, adjusting portions as needed.
  • Treats: Offer treats in moderation. Opt for healthy options like small pieces of fruit or commercial dog treats with natural ingredients.

2. Grooming

  • Coat Care: Cavapoos have a curly or wavy coat that requires regular grooming. Brush their coat 3-4 times a week to prevent matting and tangling.
  • Bathing: Bathe your Cavapoo every 4-6 weeks, or as needed, using a dog-specific shampoo that is gentle on their skin.
  • Haircuts: Regular trims every 6-8 weeks are recommended to keep their coat manageable and to maintain hygiene, especially around the eyes, ears, and paws.
  • Ear Care: Check and clean their ears weekly to prevent infections, especially if your Cavapoo has floppy ears.
  • Dental Care: Brush their teeth 2-3 times a week with dog-safe toothpaste to prevent dental issues.
  • Nail Trimming: Trim their nails every 3-4 weeks, or as needed, to avoid overgrowth and discomfort.

3. Exercise

  • Daily Walks: Cavapoos are energetic and need regular exercise. Aim for at least 30 minutes to an hour of exercise daily, which can include walks, playtime, and interactive games.
  • Mental Stimulation: Provide toys, puzzles, and training exercises to keep their intelligent minds engaged. Rotate toys to keep them interested.
  • Playtime: Cavapoos love to play. Engage in fetch, tug-of-war, or agility exercises to keep them active and entertained.

4. Training

  • Start Early: Begin training and socialization early to help your Cavapoo develop good behavior and social skills.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement techniques like treats, praise, and play to encourage desired behaviors.
  • Consistency: Be consistent with commands and routines to help your Cavapoo understand expectations.
  • Crate Training: Introduce crate training early on to provide a safe space for your dog and assist with housebread

Learn why Cavapoos are great with children in our blog post: What is a Cavapoo Like With Children?

5. Health Care

  • Regular Vet Visits: Schedule regular vet check-ups, at least once a year, to monitor your Cavapoo’s health and keep vaccinations up to date.
  • Parasite Prevention: Use flea, tick, and heartworm prevention as recommended by your vet.
  • Watch for Common Issues: Cavapoos can be prone to certain health issues like hip dysplasia, ear infections, and dental problems. Be vigilant and seek veterinary care if any symptoms arise.
  • Spaying/Neutering: Discuss spaying or neutering with your vet, as it can prevent certain health issues and unwanted behaviors.

6. Socialization

  • Exposure: Expose your Cavapoo to various environments, people, and other pets to build confidence and reduce anxiety.
  • Puppy Classes: Enroll in puppy socialization classes to help your Cavapoo learn to interact well with other dogs and people.
  • Avoiding Anxiety: Cavapoos can develop separation anxiety. Gradually train your dog to be comfortable alone for short periods and provide comfort items when you leave.

7. Living Environment

  • Indoor Living: Cavapoos are indoor dogs and should live inside with their family. They are sensitive to extreme temperatures.
  • Safe Space: Provide a comfortable bed or crate where your Cavapoo can rest and feel secure.
  • Toys and Enrichment: Keep a variety of toys available to keep your Cavapoo mentally stimulated, especially when you’re not home.

8. Love and Attention

  • Affection: Cavapoos thrive on love and attention. Spend quality time with them daily, as they are very social and bond closely with their families.
  • Companionship: Consider having a companion pet if your Cavapoo is often left alone to prevent loneliness.

9. Travel

  • Car Safety: Use a dog seatbelt or carrier when traveling by car to ensure your Cavapoo’s safety.
  • Travel Essentials: Bring along familiar items like their bed or favorite toy to help them feel secure when traveling.
  • Preparation: Plan for frequent breaks during long trips, especially for bathroom needs and stretching.

10. Senior Cavapoo Care

  • Adapt Diet: Adjust their diet to suit their changing nutritional needs, focusing on joint health and easy digestion.
  • Gentle Exercise: Maintain regular, gentle exercise to keep them active without overexerting.
  • Comfort: Provide extra comfort, such as a soft bed and easy access to food, water, and favorite resting spots.

By following these guidelines, you’ll help ensure your Cavapoo enjoys a long, healthy, and happy life.