Cavapoo Temperament and Hypoallergenic Qualities

Cavapoos are known for their charming temperament and hypoallergenic qualities, which are key reasons why they are a popular choice among dog owners. Here’s a detailed overview of these aspects:


Cavapoo Temperament and Hypoallergenic Qualities


1. Cavapoo Temperament

Affectionate and Loving

  • Bond with Family: Cavapoos are incredibly affectionate dogs that form strong bonds with their family members. They thrive on human interaction and are known to be very loyal, often following their owners around the house and seeking constant companionship.
  • Cuddle Companions: Their loving nature makes them great cuddle companions. They enjoy being close to their owners, whether it’s curling up on the couch, snuggling in bed, or simply sitting on their lap.

Friendly and Social

  • People-Friendly: Cavapoos are generally very friendly dogs who get along well with people, including strangers. They are not typically aggressive and tend to greet new people with curiosity and warmth.
  • Good with Children: Cavapoos are known to be excellent with children, thanks to their gentle and patient nature. They are tolerant of a child’s sometimes unpredictable behavior and enjoy playing and spending time with kids.
  • Gets Along with Other Pets: Cavapoos typically get along well with other dogs and even cats, especially if they are introduced properly and socialized from a young age. Their friendly disposition helps them integrate smoothly into multi-pet households.

Playful and Energetic

  • Moderate Energy Levels: Cavapoos have moderate energy levels, meaning they enjoy playtime and physical activity but are not hyperactive. They are playful and enjoy games like fetch, tug-of-war, and interactive toys, making them a fun companion for active families.
  • Adaptable Play: While they love to play, Cavapoos are also adaptable to quieter activities. They are happy to engage in play but can easily settle down for a relaxing time with their owners.

Intelligent and Trainable

  • Eager to Please: Cavapoos are intelligent dogs who are eager to please their owners, making them highly trainable. They pick up on commands and tricks quickly and enjoy the mental stimulation that training provides.
  • Positive Reinforcement: They respond best to positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats, praise, and affection. Harsh training methods are not necessary and can be counterproductive with this sensitive breed.
  • Quick Learners: Cavapoos’ intelligence allows them to quickly learn routines, commands, and good behavior, making them well-behaved companions. They can be trained in basic obedience, as well as more complex tasks or tricks.

Gentle and Calm

  • Gentle Disposition: Cavapoos have a naturally gentle disposition, inherited from their Cavalier King Charles Spaniel parent. This makes them well-suited to families with young children or elderly members, as they are less likely to exhibit rough or aggressive behavior.
  • Calming Presence: They are often described as having a calming presence, which can be particularly beneficial in homes where a soothing, low-energy pet is desired. They are content to relax and provide comfort to their owners.

Alert and Protective

  • Watchdog Tendencies: While they are friendly, Cavapoos can also be alert and protective of their family. They may bark to alert their owners of strangers or unusual sounds, though they are not aggressive watchdogs.
  • Balanced Barking: Their protective instincts are usually well-balanced, so they are unlikely to become excessive barkers unless they are bored or anxious. Proper training can help manage their alertness effectively.

Sensitivity and Emotional Awareness

  • Emotionally Attuned: Cavapoos are sensitive dogs that are highly attuned to their owners’ emotions. They often provide comfort when their owners are feeling down or stressed, making them excellent emotional support animals.
  • Need for Positive Interaction: Due to their sensitive nature, Cavapoos thrive in environments where they are treated with kindness and patience. They can be easily affected by negative interactions or harsh treatment, so a positive, loving environment is essential for their well-being.

Learn more about a cavapoo as a therapy and service dog: Cavapoo Popularity as Therapy and Service Dogs

2. Hypoallergenic Qualities

Low Shedding Coat

  • Poodle Influence: Cavapoos typically inherit a low-shedding coat from their Poodle parent. Poodles are known for their curly, non-shedding coats, which are considered hypoallergenic because they produce fewer allergens compared to other breeds.
  • Variability in Coats: The degree of hypoallergenic qualities can vary depending on the individual Cavapoo, as their coat type can range from wavy to curly. Curly-coated Cavapoos tend to shed less and are more likely to be hypoallergenic, while those with wavy coats may shed slightly more.
  • Reduced Dander: Cavapoos generally produce less dander than many other breeds. Since dander is a common allergen, this makes Cavapoos a better choice for people with mild allergies. However, no dog breed is entirely hypoallergenic, so those with severe allergies should spend time with a Cavapoo before committing.

Coat Care and Maintenance

  • Regular Grooming: Regular grooming is important for maintaining the hypoallergenic qualities of a Cavapoo’s coat. Brushing their coat several times a week helps to remove loose hair and prevent matting, which can trap allergens.
  • Professional Grooming: Many Cavapoo owners opt for regular professional grooming every 6-8 weeks to keep their dog’s coat in top condition. Trimming and maintaining the coat helps reduce shedding and dander, making it easier to manage allergens.
  • Bathing Routine: Bathing a Cavapoo regularly (about once a month) with a gentle, hypoallergenic dog shampoo can help remove allergens from their coat. It’s important not to over-bathe, as this can strip the coat of natural oils and cause skin irritation.

Allergy Management

  • Household Allergens: Even though Cavapoos are low-shedding, it’s important to manage allergens in the home by regularly cleaning dog beds, vacuuming, and using air purifiers to reduce the presence of dander in the environment.
  • Allergy Testing: For individuals with allergies, it may be helpful to undergo allergy testing to determine specific sensitivities. Spending time with a Cavapoo before bringing one home can also help assess any allergic reactions.
  • Consultation with Allergists: If you or a family member has known allergies, it’s advisable to consult with an allergist before getting a Cavapoo. They can provide personalized advice on managing allergies while living with a hypoallergenic breed.


Cavapoos are beloved for their affectionate, friendly, and adaptable temperament, making them an excellent choice for families, singles, and seniors alike. Their moderate energy levels, intelligence, and gentle nature contribute to their versatility as companion animals. Additionally, their hypoallergenic qualities, particularly their low-shedding coat, make them suitable for individuals with mild allergies, although proper grooming and allergy management are essential. Overall, Cavapoos combine the best traits of both the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Poodle, resulting in a loving, loyal, and relatively low-maintenance pet that fits well into a variety of households.